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How IoT Works – A Complete Explanation

Are you curious about learning how IoT works? However, you did not find any reasonable and comprehensive answer to your query. In this article, you will get what you want. A detailed explanation of the IoT working with real-life examples will be provided in the upcoming sections. So, read till the end.

Basic Overview Of How IoT Works

IoT stands for Internet of Things. It is a technology that connects numerous digital devices with the Internet and makes a huge network. More precisely, it is an interrelated network of digital devices (also termed things) that can communicate with each other and share real-time data with minimum human involvement.

This technology is of great importance in today’s world of automation. It is because of this innovative technology that you can remotely access devices at your home. Sometimes, making suitable changes is also possible without human intervention.

For a better explanation and an in-depth insight into how IoT works we give you a real-life example.

How Does IoT Work? – A Real Life Example

Suppose you have integrated IoT-supported security devices at your home. You have configured all the devices to recognize only the members of your family. Identifications are made via face, biometric, or any other mode. Now, imagine an intruder entering your home. These devices match their identity (face) with the saved details of every member.

If the IoT devices fail to recognize the identity, they send a notification to you or any authoritative body. Therefore, you can take suitable action toward this. You can also lock your home remotely which is again viable with the help of IoT technology.

This is a real-life example of this IoT technology. Now, let us have a look at what the components that constitute the systems are.

Components of IoT Devices

To learn how IoT works, it is mandatory to know about the different components of IoT. Below we explained what are the fundamental components of IoT.

1. Sensors/Devices – It can be a single device or a group of devices. It is the first component of IoT. They are responsible for the input. Sensors or devices collect information regarding the change in the environment. An example of a sensor is the GPS in your mobile phone. It tracks your location.

2. Connectivity – The next step is data transmission. After the sensors collect the information or data, they transmit it to the cloud via a medium. This medium could be anything like WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular network, etc. Connectivity is a crucial component. Ideally, you should opt for the optimum medium to transfer data smoothly.

3. Data Processing – To find out the result, data or information needs to be processed. As the data reaches the cloud platform, the required analysis will be performed to calculate the useful information. Let us understand this with an example.

There is a sensor in your room that collects the temperature reading. It is thus transferred to the cloud server where it is checked if this temperature is under the upper limit. After identifying that the temperature is exceeding the upper limit, the next component will come into play.

4. User Interface – In the user interface, the processed information is sent to the user or the authority that will take the required action. Like a message pop-up on your phone informing you about the exceeding temperature. Sometimes, the required action is taken automatically. Such as the Air Conditioner will start and keep the room temperature at the normal level.

All four (Sensors/devices, Connectivity, Data Processing, and User Interface are integral elements of IoT System.

Applications of IoT in Different Industries

Now, you have learned how IoT works. Let us see the application of IoT in different industries. Many sectors have already integrated with IoT technology as it provides them an opportunity to improve their efficiency. We show you some areas where IoT can transform the way these sectors operate.

#1. IoT in Manufacturing

The manufacturing industry has a constant demand to increase output and maintain quality. IoT offers optimized production, predictive maintenance, and reduced downtime which make the process more precise. Using this technology, accessing the machines and equipment remotely is feasible.

#2. IoT in Healthcare

In the healthcare industry., IoT is beneficial for patients, and doctors. Real-time data monitoring gives accurate results and helps diagnose the disease quickly. Therefore, unnecessary medical charges will be eliminated. IoT has a great impact on the healthcare industry.

#3. IoT in Finance

With the help of IoT, the finance industry avails numerous benefits. Enhanced financial security, easy fraud detection, precise prediction, and profitable investment options are the outcomings of IoT in the finance sector. It offers a better user experience to clients.


I hope this article has provided you with all the necessary information regarding the query, “What is IoT and how it works?” We have covered different aspects of IoT functioning along with real-life examples. After that, we discussed the main components of IoT and its applications in various sectors.

Gagan Rajput

Gagan Rajput is a technical writer with an exceptional knowledge and understanding of complex tech subjects. He has expertise in email migration, data recovery, digital marketing, blockchain, AI, web development, and app development. Gagan's articles and guides sophisticated technical concepts in an easy to understand manner that helps for both individuals and businesses.